SAP ArchiveLink Integration SharePoint

Verbella has a variety of ways you can maximize your SharePoint Investment including a solution that allows SAP ArchiveLink integration to SharePoint. Any document intensive business process can be automated with SharePoint. Whether you simply use SharePoint as a repository or utilize the collaborative tools for workflow, Verbella can deliver a Solution. A solution that allows SAP to connect to your SharePoint repository through the SAP ArchiveLink interface.

Verbella’s V-Link product allows any SharePoint server to act as an ArchiveLink repository.  The solution is transparent to the SAP user, and your SharePoint users will be able to access the documents through the SharePoint site, using the same meta data available to the SAP users.

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SAP SharePoint Connector

What can you do with SharePoint integrated with SAP?

Customers using V-Link have the ability to store documents directly from SAP to SharePoint using the ArchiveLink Interface. In addition to storing documents, an unlimited number of fields from SAP can also be stored with the documents, giving SharePoint users the ability to search for documents based on SAP’s data. For Example a SharePoint user has the ability to search for an invoice based on Vendor, Amount, Invoice Number, SAP Document Number, just like the SAP users.  Another benefit that SharePoint users will enjoy is the ability to search across documents for specific content. V-Link can also be used for Outgoing Documents, Print lists and Data Archiving.