Prepare for SAP S/4 HANA with Data Archiving to reduce DB Size


Already on S/4 HANA, or planning on migrating to S/4 HANA, or perhaps the plan is to say with ECC?  Whatever your company’s SAP situation, Verbella has a solution for you. Let’s start with the benefits of Data Archiving to an organization. The obvious ones that jump out are controlling the growth of Data, the size of the DB, and for compliance reasons. Lesser known to SAP customers is that SAP recommends preparing for your move to SAP S/4 HANA by archiving your data pre-migration.

As you may know, S/4 HANA becomes more expensive with each TB of data migrated to it and with the new licensing model, which takes into consideration the size of the database in S/4 HANA, it is more important than ever to archive the maximum amount of data before and after migrating. Not only will you potentially have the opportunity to reduce your S/4 HANA license cost, but you can significantly impact the amount of downtime on the migration to S/4, back-ups, reorgs and recovery.

No Charge Data Archiving Evaluation Offer

Explore how you can reduce your database size and control growth through industrialized archiving practices. Data archiving should be part of your regular housekeeping. Keep the data you need per your retention policies, clean out the technical junk. Get your system’s size reduced and ready for SAP S/4 HANA. To get you started on this journey, Verbella offers a complimentary Data Archiving Strategy Evaluation.

Even if moving to S/4 is not in your future, having a sound and active Data Archiving Strategy is still very important, if only to maintain system performance and the health of your ECC system.

Already Archiving or have Archived in the past?

Do you own an archiving solution, such as OpenText, PBS, FileNet? But never had the time or resources to continue after the initial run? Our consultants can review and evaluate your current archiving setup and existing archiving strategy, create recommendations and to develop a strategy that you can use to move forward with to maximize your existing investment.

If you simply don’t have the bandwidth to regularly set up, run, and administer your archiving jobs or to implement new archiving objects, Verbella offers Archiving as a Service to our customers. This is a customized service designed around your needs and can range from a few hours a week to administer current archiving jobs, to full-time Data Archiving administration.

SAP System Evaluation

Our experienced SAP Archiving consultants will conduct a complimentary deep dive into your ECC or S/4 system to determine what and where you have data and documents stored that are potential problems. Often business users find ways in SAP to store documents using KPro in the SAP database instead of properly archiving them. Our evaluation will flush out where your trouble spots are, and the amount of database space being improperly allocated.

We’ll determine if and when archiving should begin and what methodology you should adopt. We’ll review your current archiving strategy and look for improvements, and if you are moving to S/4, well look at your legacy ECC systems and determine if these systems are best migrated to nearline storage to save on licenses and maintenance costs and create efficiencies in your business processes. Verbella will even take in consideration your corporate legal requirements to determine if your company is better off with a solution combining SAP ILM with Data archiving. The deliverable is a summary report outlining the recommendation for your organization to reach its goals.

Why Verbella

For the past 19 years Verbella has offered Document and Data Archiving, ILM, Migration and Integration Services to our SAP customers for S/4 HANA, ECC and even R/3. Some of our consultants have been doing this since the functionality was first available. We help our customers gain insight and develop strategy on data archiving methodology, practices and maximizing resources through our complimentary evaluation. In addition, we offer custom archiving as a Service, utilizing our consultants to augment or maintain your archiving process, great for companies without sufficient internal resources.

Additionally, our long-term partnerships with data archiving centric companies like PBS allows us to offer the best-in-class solutions like PBS ContentLink for ILM compliant storage for both data and documents and PBS NAA (Nearline Analytic Archive) that allows ERP data to be accessible while being on HANA, which allows for easy ECC decommissioning.

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